Poem: Names
A sense of where you belong – by Yuan Yang
When I was four and went to school
in Manchester, the kids would ask:
“What’s your name? Where you from?”
and I would say, “Ni shuo shen me?”
Which is Mandarin for the kind
of bewilderment you have as a kid
from inner-mountain-basin China
who has just come through Heathrow.
There were lots of names in the years
that followed, scrawled on my belongings
– sometimes by other people – “B.N.P.”
was not our family name,
but it showed up on our front door
all the same. It didn’t matter,
I couldn’t read English anyway.
Life was like the bold red roundabout
in the playground of our council estate,
which went round so fast
you’d almost faint:
all you had to do was hold on
and make the same sounds
as the kids around you.
Yuan Yang was born in China and used to live at the foot of Mount Emei, Sichuan. When she was six, she moved to the UK. She now lives in London, where she was a member of the Barbican Young Poets from 2014-15, and now writes for The Economist’s finance and economics section. You can find her on Twitter @YuanFenYang
Watch a video of Yuan performing this poem and others at Beijng Cream poetry night in May 2014