Christopher Cherry

Christopher Cherry is a freelance photographer in Beijing

Posts by Christopher Cherry

New Kung Fu

Photos by Christopher Cherry, with an introduction by Sascha Matuszak



Beijing In Your Pocket

A photo essay by Christopher Cherry


It's easy for a photographer to be jealous of a writer. We have all that expensive gear, the constant technology upgrades, Jackie Chan mugging on every second billboard telling you there's a new T1200 with flip-out screen and the ability to auto-correct for nostril hairs. Writers have a disposable pen and a bunch of paper.

But in the last few years, that great photographic equaliser has arrived – the mobile phone. It's always on you (the best camera is the one you carry). It's discreet (see the wonderful Michael Christopher Brown's series of photos of commuter’s faces on Beijing's subway line 2). But most importantly it is leveling the artistic playing field in terms of access.